Filtering by: Special Events
The Floral Scarf: Métis & Ukrainian Tales
1:00 p.m.13:00

The Floral Scarf: Métis & Ukrainian Tales

  • 502 1 Street South Lethbridge, AB, T1J 1Y4 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for Stories about the Floral Scarf told from the Ukrainian community (Troyanda) and the Metis. Followed by a brand new tour of the Lena and Thomas Gushul Exhibit from Bobbie in Archives and we will end our time together enjoying Ukranian Borscht and Metis Bannock together.

 1–3 PM | adults and seniors | registration encourages | museum admission rates apply | free to members with registration | Maximum 35 people

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Reducing Barriers to Voting in General Federal Elections
5:30 p.m.17:30

Reducing Barriers to Voting in General Federal Elections

As we like to say at Elections Canada, “the soup is getting hot!”. With the potential for a federal election looming ever closer, we are spreading the word about the accessibility tools and programs to make electoral participation more accessible. You are officially invited to the Elections Canada session happening on the 10th of April from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. As the non-partisan agents of parliament responsible for running federal general elections, our goal is that by the end of this session, you will feel confident voting through your personalized plan on election day.

If you require any accommodations to participate in this session, please contact

Elections Canada mission is to ensure that Canadians can exercise their democratic rights to vote and be a candidate. Research shows that some electors, including youth, new Canadians, electors with disabilities and Indigenous electors, face barriers to participating in elections. These barriers can include not knowing the ways to register and vote, or how to work at an election or run as a candidate. Through the Inspire Democracy program, Elections Canada works with a network of partner organizations to share key information and hold workshops for people who face barriers to participating in elections.

5:30–7:00 pm | adults and seniors | registration not required | no cost to attend |

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Lethbridge Independent Film Festival - Opening Gala
7:00 p.m.19:00

Lethbridge Independent Film Festival - Opening Gala

Join us for the Gala and Opening Film of the 3rd annual Lethbridge Independent Film Festival.

LIFF 2025 Gala and Opening Film
Friday, April 11
Start your evening with appetizers, drinks, and a red carpet experience at the 3rd Annual Lethbridge Independent Film Festival Gala and Opening film. Throughout the night, explore three unique spaces: the Viewing Gallery showcasing classic silent cinema with an electric live score, the Learning Center with an immersive virtual reality experience, and the outdoor screen with exciting short films.

Metropolis (1927) by director Fritz Lang, accompanied by a live score performed by artist MORRISMORRIS

All evening
THIS IS NOT A CEREMONY | AHNAHKTSIPIITAA (2022) VR Experience, by director Ahnahktsipiitaa (Colin Van Loon) from Blackfoot Nation Films

Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao’pa

By Donation

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Lethbridge Independent Film Festival 2025
1:00 p.m.13:00

Lethbridge Independent Film Festival 2025

Galt Museum and Archives | Akaisamitohkanao’pa presents:
3rd Annual Lethbridge Independent Film Festival

Step into the Galt Museum and Archives Akaisamitohkanao’pa for the freshest festival lineup! Watch films in the museum’s stunning Viewing Gallery, or head to the south end of the building where the outdoor screen lights up against the sky. Plus, explore an immersive virtual reality experience in the Learning Center.

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Lethbridge Independent Film Festival at The Movie Mill
11:00 a.m.11:00

Lethbridge Independent Film Festival at The Movie Mill

Galt Museum and Archives | Akaisamitohkanao’pa presents:
3rd Annual Lethbridge Independent Film Festival

Immerse yourself in the exciting screenings at Movie Mill, Lethbridge’s iconic cinema, with delicious treats like buttery popcorn, gourmet sodas, froyo and more. Support local businesses and filmmakers while soaking up classic cinematic vibes.

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Recipes from the Archives with Kristin & Bobbie
5:00 p.m.17:00

Recipes from the Archives with Kristin & Bobbie

Join Galt’s own Community Programmer, Kristin Krein, and Archives Assistant, Bobbie Fox, as we make a delicious heritage recipe and taste some sample dishes from the 1950s Lethbridge Women’s Institute Cookbook while learning a bit about this organization's history.

5–7 PM | adults and seniors | registration required | 20 people max | $10/ticket

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Toddler Time - April 30
9:00 a.m.09:00

Toddler Time - April 30

Bring your toddler and small children to an interactive morning at the Galt Museum & Archives. A fun-filled morning with toys, activities, book reading, and a private toddler time to explore the current museum's exhibition.

9–10 AM | toddlers and their caregivers | registration required | museum admission rates apply | free to members with registration

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Night Owl Games kickstarter launch party
5:00 p.m.17:00

Night Owl Games kickstarter launch party

Join us for the Kickstarter Launch Party for Night Owl Games, the first Blackfoot board game business.

Night Owl Games was created by Kariza Many Chiefs to help Blackfoot people reconnect with their heritage and to provide non-Blackfoot people with deeper cultural understanding.

Come meet the creator, try out the games, and learn how you can support the Kickstarter campaign. Donations will be accepted to help bring these games to life.

5–7 PM | everyone welcome | no cost to attend | light refreshments provided |

The Winter Count

The Winter Count is based on The Winter Count is based on teachings and common events that happen in a Blackfoot person's life. As you go around the board, you encounter modern day issues, while learning about cultural practices and Blackfoot legends*. Play with friends to learn together and test your Blackfoot knowledge through the Napi Challenges.

A winter count is used by Blackfoot people as a way to document. Using pictographs, a tribe's winter count records important events that occur.

Siksikaipowahsin Trivia

Siksikaipowahsin translates to Blackfoot Language (pronounced sig-sig-ai-bo-wah-sin.) Play as one of the 4 Blackfoot Confederacy members and make your way around the board testing your Blackfoot speaking skills.

The first edition consists of Blackfoot words that are common in beginner classes. Designed to help players learn basic words and get comfortable speaking Blackfoot with others.

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Behind Racism: Challenging the Way We Think
10:00 a.m.10:00

Behind Racism: Challenging the Way We Think

If you could better understand how your brain processes information that can lead to bias and racism, could it impact your behavior and result in positive change? Designed and fabricated by the Ontario Science Centre in partnership with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF), Behind Racism: Challenging the Way We Think shows how the mental processes that help us think and act quickly can lead to racism and discrimination.

“Racial biases, labels, and prejudices exist in the form of learned thoughts and actions that come from within,” said Mohammed Hashim, Executive Director of CRRF. “This exhibit serves as a means for individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, how their everyday interactions, behaviours and decisions can impact others, and how to work towards dismantling and dispelling harmful racial stereotypes wherever and whenever they arise in society.”

The exhibition and its tour are presented by The Canadian Race Relations Foundation with the generous support of the Government of Canada and in partnership with Mosaic Institute, Ontario Science Centre and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

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Nostalgic Noel: A Victorian Affair Day 3
12:00 p.m.12:00

Nostalgic Noel: A Victorian Affair Day 3

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Experience eras past with the Nostalgic Noel: A Victorian Affair at Fort Whoop-Up, where history comes alive. Create heartwarming memories and enjoy festive delights with activities like apple pie making, maple syrup on snow 'tire sur la neige', tree bough wreath crafting, and dried flower Christmas card making, Blacksmith forging, all day hot chocolate and cider by the fire. For an additional $5, experience the wonder of a horse-drawn carriage ride through a picturesque winter landscape. NO sleigh rides on Saturday

all ages | children to attend with caregivers | tickets available at the door | $5 per person (Ages 5 and under free) | Additional $5 horse rides, first come first serve

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Nostalgic Noel: A Victorian Affair
12:00 p.m.12:00

Nostalgic Noel: A Victorian Affair

Experience eras past with the Nostalgic Noel: A Victorian Affair at Fort Whoop-Up, where history comes alive. Create heartwarming memories and enjoy festive delights with activities like apple pie making, maple syrup on snow 'tire sur la neige', tree bough wreath crafting, and dried flower Christmas card making, Blacksmith forging, all day hot chocolate and cider by the fire.

all ages | children to attend with caregivers | tickets available at the door | $5 per person (Ages 5 and under free)

NO sleigh rides on Saturday

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Nostalgic Noel: A Victorian Affair Day 1
12:00 p.m.12:00

Nostalgic Noel: A Victorian Affair Day 1

Experience eras past with the Nostalgic Noel: A Victorian Affair at Fort Whoop-Up, where history comes alive. Create heartwarming memories and enjoy festive delights with activities like apple pie making, maple syrup on snow 'tire sur la neige', tree bough wreath crafting, and dried flower Christmas card making, Blacksmith forging, all day hot chocolate and cider by the fire. For an additional $5, experience the wonder of a horse-drawn carriage ride through a picturesque winter landscape. NO sleigh rides on Saturday.

all ages | children to attend with caregivers | tickets available at the door | $5 per person (Ages 5 and under free) | Additional $5 horse rides first come first serve

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Night at the Museum Shopping Event
4:00 p.m.16:00

Night at the Museum Shopping Event

Sample tasty treats, enjoy seasonal beverages, and entertainment. Our relaxed, after-hours shopping experience and newly stocked products allow you to think outside the Christmas box! This event is open to the public. All visitors get a 10% discount, but Annual Pass holders get 20% off on our store products. Can’t make it in the evening? The discounts apply from 10 am to 8:30 pm that day. Door prizes available.

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Diwali Festival
1:00 p.m.13:00

Diwali Festival

Join us for Diwali at the Galt November 17 1:00pm-5:00pm. Highlights: Rangoli Art Activity, Bollywood Performances, Interactive Dance Lesson, Delicious Samosas, Chutneys, Laddoo, and Chai (while supplies last!), Stunning Cultural Displays & Festive Decor.

In partnership with the India Canada Cultural Association, this family-friendly event is open to all ages. No registration required, free to attend.

Bring your loved ones and immerse yourself in the joy and warmth of Diwali!

all ages | children to attend with caregivers | registration not required | free to attend

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Esports Day by Bridge Espo
1:00 p.m.13:00

Esports Day by Bridge Espo

Esports Day at the Museum hosted by Bridge Esports.

Join us for an exciting day dedicated to the world of Esports! Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just curious about the Esports phenomenon, we have something for everyone.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Introduction to the World of Esports: Discover the history, growth, and impact of Esports in this informative session.

Watch the Show: Enjoy highlights from popular Esports tournaments and matches.

Play Vintage Games: Get hands-on with some classic video games from past decades.

5:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Super Smash Bros Tournament Tournament Play: Register to compete in our Super Smash Bros tournament. Test your skills and aim for the top spot.

Spectators Welcome: Even if you're not playing, come hang out, watch the tournament live, enjoy snacks, and cheer on the contestants.

all ages welcome | registration is required for tournament play | museum admission applies | free for members

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Fall Exhibits Launch Party
12:00 p.m.12:00

Fall Exhibits Launch Party

Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild member Snake Rocket (aka Lemmy Davis) Rolls Past Moose (aka Morgan Hardie), March 2024

Photo courtesy Kris Godfrey

This event will celebrate the opening of two new temporary exhibitions (Game Play, on from October 19, 2024—March 2, 2025; and Building a Legacy: The Sportsplex at 50, on from October 26, 2024—April 6, 2025). Visitors will have the opportunity to meet the people and organizations profiled in the exhibition, while also taking part in a variety of fun drop-in activities and scheduled challenges/demonstrations.

Regular Admission Applies | Free for members


Launch Party Activities:

12:00 pm-Opening Remarks: Brief introduction to the exhibitions by Galt CEO and Curator, dignitaries

12:30pm – Chess Challenge: Do you have the moves? Marty Heavy Head Jr. will take on a ***special guest challenger TBD*** to a game of chess, using Marjie Crop Eared Wolf’s special Nitsitapii Chess Set. This chess set, conceived in 2017, was inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action. Crop Eared Wolf has made several copies of this chess set to initiate discussions between Nitsitapii and settler people. Community members will also be able to take part in the challenge after the featured guest.

1:30pm – Roller Derby Demo: Members of the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild will strut their stuff, showing off some of the key gear involved in playing this exciting sport, and allow visitors to better understand the basics of how roller derby is played.

2:00-2:30 pm – Rollerskating/inline rail demo: Brief introduction about the park skating community. Skaters will demo various tricks on the rails.

2:30pm – Blackfoot Games with Mary Ellen Little Mustache: Join in the fun with a variety of different games, with space for everyone to get involved! Stories, songs, games, and tea.


All-day Drop-in Activities:

Sportsplex History: flip through the original construction drawings from Lethbridge’s sports arena built 50 years ago, and chat with Arena staff about some of the building’s “hidden histories” and upcoming events!

Lethbridge Dopamine Boxing: Strap on some gloves and release some energy beating up “Bob” the punching dummy. Learn more about this local group supporting people living with Parkinson’s disease.

Paper Planes: how far you can make yours fly?

Big Time Games: try out mega-sized Jenga, and other large format games!

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The Rocky Horror Picture Show screening
8:00 p.m.20:00

The Rocky Horror Picture Show screening

Transylvanians rejoice! The Rocky Horror Picture Show is back at the Galt in collaboration with Theatre Outré! Released on September 26, 1975, The Rocky Horror Picture Show [100 min] is a comedy cult classic. The story tells the tale of newly engaged couple Brad Majors [Barry Bostwick] and Janet Weiss [Susan Sarandon] who find themselves lost with a flat tire on a cold and rainy November evening. Seeking a phone at a nearby castle, Brad and Janet discover a group of strange and outlandish people and are soon swept into the world of Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Hysterical, indispensable, and disturbing – the film has a great soundtrack and unforgettable audience participation. Doors open at 8:00 PM on October 31, screening starting at 9:00 PM.

18+ adults and seniors | registration required | $30 per ticket includes all props handed out at event | Maximum 85 tickets sold | Prizes for best dressed | Bar and popcorn available

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Halloween Harvest Fest
12:00 p.m.12:00

Halloween Harvest Fest

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Join us for a kid-friendly Halloween event, featuring a puppet show, candy bags, Halloween pumpkins to carve and decorate, kids' craft activities, apple cider, and hot chocolate. Enjoy s'mores and hot dogs by the fire, and don't miss the Haunted Hayride with the Headless Horseman for an extra $5 first come first served.

all ages | no registration required | $5 per person | additional $5 per person horse rides

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Challenge Marty Heavy Head Jr. to an afternoon game of chess
11:00 a.m.11:00

Challenge Marty Heavy Head Jr. to an afternoon game of chess

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Challenge Marty Heavy Head Jr. to an afternoon game of chess. This is an opportunity to test your chess skills through playing with one of the very best chess players in Lethbridge.

all ages | no cost to attend | first come first serve registration will be set up in the Viewing Gallery | coffee and light snacks provided

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Trivia Night event
6:00 p.m.18:00

Trivia Night event

Join experienced quizmasters Siobhan Rasmussen and Erynn Gordon for an evening of exciting trivia! Bring your team of up to 8 people and test your brainpower on various categories such as local history, pop culture, music, science, and more. You do not have to have an entire team to play, register as a team or individually!

adults and seniors | admission fee applies | free to members | registration required

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Chess Fest
9:00 a.m.09:00

Chess Fest

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Chess Fest is a family friendly celebration of local chess programs that includes a youth chess tournament, a simultaneous chess demonstration, as well as other family friendly events. A small lunch will be available for purchase, come join us for some fun chess activities.

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Bridge & Brews BeerFest | Presented by the Friends Society of the Sir Alexander Galt Museum & Archives
4:00 p.m.16:00

Bridge & Brews BeerFest | Presented by the Friends Society of the Sir Alexander Galt Museum & Archives

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Beer tasting at the Galt is back and better than ever! Sample different beers by Alberta's craft beer vendors at the Bridge & Brews BeerFest fundraiser event presented by the Friends Society of the Sir Alexander Galt Museum & Archives.

adults and seniors | registration required | $30 per ticket

Tickets sold here Bridge and Brews BeerFest - CanadaHelps

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Celebrating Black Culture on the Prairies: Ball
7:30 p.m.19:30

Celebrating Black Culture on the Prairies: Ball

  • Galt Museum & Archives (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at the Galt to celebrate the vibrant culture of Black and Latin(x) ballroom communities on the prairies, honoring their resilience and creativity. This event acknowledges historical discrimination within queer spaces and celebrates the empowering evolution of ballroom culture. Funded by Celebrate Canada.

adults and seniors | registration not required | no cost to attend

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Mother Tongue session: Napiootsisti kowanhpi (Napi’s Playground)
9:00 a.m.09:00

Mother Tongue session: Napiootsisti kowanhpi (Napi’s Playground)

  • Galt Museum & Archives (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Courtesy of Shannon Hart (Oldman Watershed Council)

The Nitsitapii Landscapes tour program by Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao’pa, in collaboration with Siksikaitsitapi Elders, offers residential school survivors and their descendants opportunities to connect with sacred sites through traditional practices. Supported by the Mother Tongue Fund, this series of five workshops includes transportation, refreshments, and guidance from Male and Female Elders at various sites across southern Alberta, involving some walking across uneven terrain. We will visit Napiootsisti kowanhpi and play traditional hand games and share stories of the area.

These workshops are free, registration is required. We have a limit of 40 spaces open to Residential School Survivors and their descendants.

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Celebrating Indigenous Arts
1:00 p.m.13:00

Celebrating Indigenous Arts

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

A special event day to celebrate Indigenous arts in our city!

  • Metis Dot art with Melanie Morrow at 1:00 PM

  • Fish Scales art with Maria Livingston at 3:00 PM

  • Blackfoot Beading with Deserae Yellow Horn at 5:00 PM.

Funded by Celebrate Canada.

all ages | registration encouraged to secure your spot | no cost to participate

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Lethbridge Independent Film Festival Day 2
11:00 a.m.11:00

Lethbridge Independent Film Festival Day 2

Lethbridge Independent Film Festival 2024 hosted by the Galt Museum, kicks off at The Movie Mill on September 7, 2024, 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. and continues at the Galt on September 8, 2024, 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Entry to the film festival is by donation.

 This year, we proudly selected 41 groundbreaking films, including 30 premieres from every corner of the globe—Indonesia, Portugal, Brazil, the UK,Netherlands, Malawi, Switzerland, Egypt, the USA, and of course a wide selection of captivating works from local and Canadian filmmakers.

LIFF bridges local roots with global creativity, offering a rich tapestry of genres and styles with something for every audience member, regardless of age or taste. We spotlight films created by and about BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+, feminist, neurodivergent, differently abled and other underrepresented communities.

all ages | children to attend when appropriate with caregivers | Entry by donation | registration not required

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Native Garden Seed Collecting
9:00 a.m.09:00

Native Garden Seed Collecting

Blooming Boulevards volunteer collecting pearly everlasting seeds, with written permission from the City of Mississauga.
Image courtesy of Jeanne McRight (©2020)

A morning of community building while we learn to collect, clean and store seeds from the Native Garden. Snacks and drinks provided. Take seeds home for yourself afterwards.

adults and seniors | museum admissions apply

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Bus Tour: Wilson Hutterite Colony
10:00 a.m.10:00

Bus Tour: Wilson Hutterite Colony

Take a charter bus out to the Wilson Hutterite Colony and spend the afternoon learning the history and daily lives of a colony. Thank you to Barbara for creating this opportunity. Lunch will provided by the Wilson Colony and there will be vegetables and goods to purchase (bring cash).

We will be leaving the Galt at 10:00am please arrive early | adults and seniors | registration required | $35 per person

Note: You can book your tickets online using PayPal or call our front desk at 403-320-3954 to book over the phone.

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Pemmican Workshop
6:00 p.m.18:00

Pemmican Workshop

A mixture of tallow, dried meat, and dried berries.
Image supplied by Api'soomaahka

Listen to stories and learn how to make your own pemmican to take home from expert Charlie Russell at Fort Whoop-Up. Supplies included.

adults and seniors | registration encouraged | museum admission applies | free to self-identified Indigenous attendees

Note: You can book your tickets online using PayPal or call our front desk at 403-320-3954 to book over the phone.

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CANCELLED: Bus Tour: History of Irrigation at the Lethbridge College Farm
10:00 a.m.10:00

CANCELLED: Bus Tour: History of Irrigation at the Lethbridge College Farm

Lethbridge College Research Farm
Image courtesy of Lethbridge College.

Take a charter bus out to the Lethbridge College Research Farm and spend the afternoon immersed in the history of irrigation. Thank you to Autumn Barnes, Lethbridge College's manager of the Integrated Agriculture Technology Centre (IATC) and Jim Parker, Manager of Irrigation Demo Farm at Lethbridge College for your incredible work in creating this opportunity. A bag lunch is provided by Lethbridge College (please email if you have dietary needs).

adults and seniors | leaving Galt at 10:00am please arrive early | registration required | $35 per person

Note: You can book your tickets online using PayPal or call our front desk at 403-320-3954 to book over the phone.

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Paint and Sip with artist John Chief Calf
6:00 p.m.18:00

Paint and Sip with artist John Chief Calf

Image courtesy of the Lethbridge School Division

Enjoy tea, a special John Chief Calf mocktail, listen to a curated metal and rock playlist and create a pictograph masterpiece together. John Chief Calf was born and raised on the Blood Reserve and was a Child and Youth Care worker from 1985-1997. He received his BA/BEd from the University of Lethbridge in 2005. Chief Calf has taught for the Calgary Board of Education, Siksika Board of Education, Red Crow Community College as well as the Lethbridge Catholic Division and is currently with the Lethbridge School Division as a humanities teacher. He is a self-taught artist and has sold artworks locally, corporately, and internationally.

adults and seniors | registration required | max 50 people | $10/ ticket

Note: You can book your tickets online using PayPal or call our front desk at 403-320-3954 to book over the phone.

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Kids Carnival
10:30 a.m.10:30

Kids Carnival

Kids carnival at the Galt Viewing Gallery, 2023
Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Enjoy a morning of carnival activities and games! Great fun for the whole family! Cotton candy! Popcorn! Crafts! Face painting! Magicians! Hands-On History is an interactive program for children of all ages with their caregivers.

all ages welcome | children to attend with caregiver | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Flora Foundations: Make paper using nature with artist Laurel Scott
6:00 p.m.18:00

Flora Foundations: Make paper using nature with artist Laurel Scott

Laurel Scott.
Image courtesy of Angeline Simon

In this workshop, you will learn basic papermaking techniques and how to forage and process different local plant fibres. You will then be guided through the process of making your own cattail fibre paper that you can take home! Materials will be provided. This is open to all skill levels; no previous experience is necessary.

adults and seniors | registration required | $10 per person

Note: You can book your tickets online using PayPal or call our front desk at 403-320-3954 to book over the phone.

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