Join us for the Kickstarter Launch Party for Night Owl Games, the first Blackfoot board game business.
Night Owl Games was created by Kariza Many Chiefs to help Blackfoot people reconnect with their heritage and to provide non-Blackfoot people with deeper cultural understanding.
Come meet the creator, try out the games, and learn how you can support the Kickstarter campaign. Donations will be accepted to help bring these games to life.
5–7 PM | everyone welcome | no cost to attend | light refreshments provided |
The Winter Count
The Winter Count is based on The Winter Count is based on teachings and common events that happen in a Blackfoot person's life. As you go around the board, you encounter modern day issues, while learning about cultural practices and Blackfoot legends*. Play with friends to learn together and test your Blackfoot knowledge through the Napi Challenges.
A winter count is used by Blackfoot people as a way to document. Using pictographs, a tribe's winter count records important events that occur.
Siksikaipowahsin Trivia
Siksikaipowahsin translates to Blackfoot Language (pronounced sig-sig-ai-bo-wah-sin.) Play as one of the 4 Blackfoot Confederacy members and make your way around the board testing your Blackfoot speaking skills.
The first edition consists of Blackfoot words that are common in beginner classes. Designed to help players learn basic words and get comfortable speaking Blackfoot with others.