Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025
3:30 p.m.15:30

Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025

Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025: Free drop-in art sessions for young people!
What’s provided: Supplies, snacks, and wellness activities
Drop-in dates include: January 28th, February 11th & 25th, March 11th & 25th, 3:30pm-5pm

Youth | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Toddler Time
9:00 a.m.09:00

Toddler Time

Bring your toddler and small children to an interactive morning at the Galt Museum & Archives. A fun-filled morning with toys, activities, book reading, and a private toddler time to explore the current museum's exhibition.

9–10 AM | toddlers and their caregivers | registration required | museum admission rates apply | free to members with registration

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A Cuppa with Sampath Walgama
5:00 p.m.17:00

A Cuppa with Sampath Walgama

Join us for a warm and inviting journey into the world of tea! A Cuppa with Sampath is an engaging public program that explores the rich history, cultural traditions and health benefits of tea - from the garden to your cup. Guided by tea scientist and enthusiast Sampath, this interactive experience will take you through the origins of tea, its global significance, tea cultivation and manufacture in Sri Lanka, the art of brewing the perfect cup and health benefits of tea drinking. Whether you're a lifelong tea lover or just beginning to explore this beloved beverage, this event offers a relaxing and enriching experience for all.

Come sip, learn and savor the essence of tea! 5:00 PM–7:00 PM | adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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The Floral Scarf: Métis & Ukrainian Tales
1:00 p.m.13:00

The Floral Scarf: Métis & Ukrainian Tales

  • 502 1 Street South Lethbridge, AB, T1J 1Y4 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for Stories about the Floral Scarf told from the Ukrainian community (Troyanda) and the Metis. Followed by a brand new tour of the Lena and Thomas Gushul Exhibit from Bobbie in Archives and we will end our time together enjoying Ukranian Borscht and Metis Bannock together.

 1–3 PM | adults and seniors | registration encourages | museum admission rates apply | free to members with registration | Maximum 35 people

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The Galt Presents: Ira Provost
2:00 p.m.14:00

The Galt Presents: Ira Provost

Join Ira Provost as he talks about the Oldman River, the dam and his cultural environmental research work. 2–4 PM
Ira is Piikani from the Piikani First Nation, a member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, in Southern Alberta, Canada. Professionally, Ira is an advocate for his Nation as an intermediary between industry, government and his people through his work as a Manager of Piikani Consultation and Piikani Traditional Knowledge Services (PTKS) for the Piikani Nation. The role of Manager carries the mandate of creating meaningful relationships with proponents and building capacity within and for the protection of Piikani educational and historical resources.

Ira has a Master’s Degree in Indigenous Studies with a focus on the Consultation industry as it relates to the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

Ira was an Educator and Administrator of Cultural Programs within the Lethbridge School District for over a decade, where he taught and worked with all levels of the school environment – provincially (GOA Ministry of Education, Alberta Teachers Association, Alberta School Boards Association, College of Alberta School Superintendents) as well as municipally as a Trustee – with District and school, staff, students, parents and community for the betterment of First Nations student performance.

Ira is also an educator, multi-talented musician, performer and songwriter working and contributing to many educational initiatives in the past few decades. Ira’s music reflects his profession as an educator and scholar of Native American (Indigenous) awareness and understanding. His songs tell stories of gaining strength from culture and heritage by restoring identity in Indigenous people of all ages, everywhere.

| adults and seniors | museum admission rates apply | free to members and self identified Indigenous folks |

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Stephane Guevremont lecture: THE WAR IN UKRAINE: A Revolution in Military Affairs
1:30 p.m.13:30

Stephane Guevremont lecture: THE WAR IN UKRAINE: A Revolution in Military Affairs

"The illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces in February 2022 changed the way modern warfare is fought in the 21st Century. Learn how post-Cold War computing and robotics technologies have finally taken hold over the traditional role of the infantry in the trenches. See also the essential necessity of drones and communications satellites which control life on land and in the sky, day and night. Witness warships for example which are neutralized by small shoulder missiles or remote-controlled boats filled with explosives, notwithstanding the devastating cluster munitions and thermobaric bombs. A chilling but revealing presentation, not to be missed."

1:30–3:00 pm | adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Collections 101
3:00 p.m.15:00

Collections 101

Collections Management 101 with the Galt Museum & Archives: Kevin MacLean has managed the Galt’s object collection for the past thirty years, join him to learn what objects the museum values in 2025 (secret, it’s changed); how object offers are processed; and, if kept indefinitely, cared for;  and finally, how they are accessed.

3:00–4:00 pm | adults and seniors | registration encouraged | museum admission applies | free to members | 15 people max

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Reducing Barriers to Voting in General Federal Elections
5:30 p.m.17:30

Reducing Barriers to Voting in General Federal Elections

As we like to say at Elections Canada, “the soup is getting hot!”. With the potential for a federal election looming ever closer, we are spreading the word about the accessibility tools and programs to make electoral participation more accessible. You are officially invited to the Elections Canada session happening on the 10th of April from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. As the non-partisan agents of parliament responsible for running federal general elections, our goal is that by the end of this session, you will feel confident voting through your personalized plan on election day.

If you require any accommodations to participate in this session, please contact jessica.burylo@elections.ca

Elections Canada mission is to ensure that Canadians can exercise their democratic rights to vote and be a candidate. Research shows that some electors, including youth, new Canadians, electors with disabilities and Indigenous electors, face barriers to participating in elections. These barriers can include not knowing the ways to register and vote, or how to work at an election or run as a candidate. Through the Inspire Democracy program, Elections Canada works with a network of partner organizations to share key information and hold workshops for people who face barriers to participating in elections.

5:30–7:00 pm | adults and seniors | registration not required | no cost to attend |

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Lethbridge Independent Film Festival - Opening Gala
7:00 p.m.19:00

Lethbridge Independent Film Festival - Opening Gala

Join us for the Gala and Opening Film of the 3rd annual Lethbridge Independent Film Festival.

LIFF 2025 Gala and Opening Film
Friday, April 11
Start your evening with appetizers, drinks, and a red carpet experience at the 3rd Annual Lethbridge Independent Film Festival Gala and Opening film. Throughout the night, explore three unique spaces: the Viewing Gallery showcasing classic silent cinema with an electric live score, the Learning Center with an immersive virtual reality experience, and the outdoor screen with exciting short films.

Metropolis (1927) by director Fritz Lang, accompanied by a live score performed by artist MORRISMORRIS

All evening
THIS IS NOT A CEREMONY | AHNAHKTSIPIITAA (2022) VR Experience, by director Ahnahktsipiitaa (Colin Van Loon) from Blackfoot Nation Films

Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao’pa

By Donation

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Recipes from the Archives with Kristin & Bobbie
5:00 p.m.17:00

Recipes from the Archives with Kristin & Bobbie

Join Galt’s own Community Programmer, Kristin Krein, and Archives Assistant, Bobbie Fox, as we make a delicious heritage recipe and taste some sample dishes from the 1950s Lethbridge Women’s Institute Cookbook while learning a bit about this organization's history.

5–7 PM | adults and seniors | registration required | 20 people max | $10/ticket

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Toddler Time - April 30
9:00 a.m.09:00

Toddler Time - April 30

Bring your toddler and small children to an interactive morning at the Galt Museum & Archives. A fun-filled morning with toys, activities, book reading, and a private toddler time to explore the current museum's exhibition.

9–10 AM | toddlers and their caregivers | registration required | museum admission rates apply | free to members with registration

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Night Owl Games kickstarter launch party
5:00 p.m.17:00

Night Owl Games kickstarter launch party

Join us for the Kickstarter Launch Party for Night Owl Games, the first Blackfoot board game business.

Night Owl Games was created by Kariza Many Chiefs to help Blackfoot people reconnect with their heritage and to provide non-Blackfoot people with deeper cultural understanding.

Come meet the creator, try out the games, and learn how you can support the Kickstarter campaign. Donations will be accepted to help bring these games to life.

5–7 PM | everyone welcome | no cost to attend | light refreshments provided |

The Winter Count

The Winter Count is based on The Winter Count is based on teachings and common events that happen in a Blackfoot person's life. As you go around the board, you encounter modern day issues, while learning about cultural practices and Blackfoot legends*. Play with friends to learn together and test your Blackfoot knowledge through the Napi Challenges.

A winter count is used by Blackfoot people as a way to document. Using pictographs, a tribe's winter count records important events that occur.

Siksikaipowahsin Trivia

Siksikaipowahsin translates to Blackfoot Language (pronounced sig-sig-ai-bo-wah-sin.) Play as one of the 4 Blackfoot Confederacy members and make your way around the board testing your Blackfoot speaking skills.

The first edition consists of Blackfoot words that are common in beginner classes. Designed to help players learn basic words and get comfortable speaking Blackfoot with others.

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Behind Racism: Challenging the Way We Think
10:00 a.m.10:00

Behind Racism: Challenging the Way We Think

If you could better understand how your brain processes information that can lead to bias and racism, could it impact your behavior and result in positive change? Designed and fabricated by the Ontario Science Centre in partnership with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF), Behind Racism: Challenging the Way We Think shows how the mental processes that help us think and act quickly can lead to racism and discrimination.

“Racial biases, labels, and prejudices exist in the form of learned thoughts and actions that come from within,” said Mohammed Hashim, Executive Director of CRRF. “This exhibit serves as a means for individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, how their everyday interactions, behaviours and decisions can impact others, and how to work towards dismantling and dispelling harmful racial stereotypes wherever and whenever they arise in society.”

The exhibition and its tour are presented by The Canadian Race Relations Foundation with the generous support of the Government of Canada and in partnership with Mosaic Institute, Ontario Science Centre and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

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Southern Alberta Basketball History: A Journey with local Author, Ken Hamilton
3:00 p.m.15:00

Southern Alberta Basketball History: A Journey with local Author, Ken Hamilton

Image courtesy of Galt Museum & Archives P19720165000

Join local Author Ken Hamilton as he shares his journey to create a series of books chronicling southern Alberta's Basketball History.

3:00–4:00 PM | adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Collections 101
3:00 p.m.15:00

Collections 101

Collections Management 101 with the Galt Museum & Archives: Kevin MacLean has managed the Galt’s object collection for the past thirty years, join him to learn what objects the museum values in 2025 (secret, it’s changed); how object offers are processed; and, if kept indefinitely, cared for; and finally, how they are accessed.

3:00–4:00 pm | adults and seniors | registration encouraged | museum admission applies | free to members | 15 people max

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Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025
3:30 p.m.15:30

Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025

Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025: Free drop-in art sessions for young people!
What’s provided: Supplies, snacks, and wellness activities
Drop-in dates include: January 28th, February 11th & 25th, March 11th & 25th, 3:30pm-5pm

Youth | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Brain Awareness Week - film screening
6:00 p.m.18:00

Brain Awareness Week - film screening

Community showing of "Brainstorm" - a documentary that was produced locally about the history of the Canadian Centre for Behavioral Neuroscience in partnership with the UofL neuroscience department.

”The documentary was directed by Dr. Jenna Bailey, adjunct assistant professor with the ULethbridge Department of History and Religion, co-produced by Bailey and Dr. Edgar Bermudez Contreras, an adjunct professor at the Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience and edited by Bryn Hewko, assistant professor of new media.“ - Lethbridge News Now

6–8 pm | all ages | registration not required | free | 6pm doors, 6:30pm film screening followed by a Q&A with professors

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Blackfoot Hand Games Tournament
12:00 p.m.12:00

Blackfoot Hand Games Tournament

Experience the excitement of Hand Games, a traditional cultural game played by First Nations peoples across North America. Two teams of five players face off, hiding and guessing the location of objects while traditional songs and drumming set the rhythm of the game. Teams compete to earn points with 11 painted sticks, and the first team to collect all 11 wins!

This program is open to the public for team registration or individual drop-ins, and spectators are warmly invited to enjoy the lively competition. No cost to participate, registration is encouraged. Lunch will be provided both days, prizes to everyone who participates! Funded by the Friends of the Galt.

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Blackfoot Hand Games Tournament
12:00 p.m.12:00

Blackfoot Hand Games Tournament

Experience the excitement of Hand Games, a traditional cultural game played by First Nations peoples across North America. Two teams of five players face off, hiding and guessing the location of objects while traditional songs and drumming set the rhythm of the game. Teams compete to earn points with 11 painted sticks, and the first team to collect all 11 wins!

This program is open to the public for team registration or individual drop-ins, and spectators are warmly invited to enjoy the lively competition. No cost to participate, registration is encouraged. Lunch will be provided both days, prizes to everyone who participates! Funded by the Friends of the Galt.

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Creative Community
10:30 a.m.10:30

Creative Community

  • 502 1 Street South Lethbridge, AB, T1J 1Y4 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Creative Community provides arts activities with a connection to local history and culture for adults and seniors, including those requiring accessibility on the second Tuesday of the month.

10:30–11:30 am | adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Blackfoot Language with Julius Delaney Class 4
6:30 p.m.18:30

Blackfoot Language with Julius Delaney Class 4

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Participate in-person for a Blackfoot Language instruction session. Supper served at 6:30 pm. Spend the hour together practicing and conversing in Blackfoot.

all ages | registration required | no cost to attend | free to members and self-identified indigenous persons

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Lena and Thomas Gushul: Life In Front and Behind The Camera, Exhibit Opening
2:00 p.m.14:00

Lena and Thomas Gushul: Life In Front and Behind The Camera, Exhibit Opening

Join us for the opening of our latest Archives Exhibit, Lena and Thomas Gushul: In Front and Behind the Camera. Guest Curator, Dr. Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn, will discuss the exhibit and the Gushuls’ impact on the Crowsnest Pass during the early 20th century.

This travelling exhibit from the Kule Folklore Centre explores the life and work of Lena and Thomas Gushul, who immigrated to Canada at the beginning of the 20th century. They married in 1914 and opened their first photo studio in Coleman, AB, sometime in 1917 or 1918. These Ukrainian Canadian photographers left a wonderful legacy.

Dr. Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn serves as the Kule Chair of Ukrainian Ethnography at the Kule Folklore Centre. She received her BFA in Art & Design at the University of Alberta in 1981 and has become a well-known Ukrainian Canadian artist and illustrator.

The exhibit is available for public viewing on February 15th, and the official opening is on February 27th! Come experience a Southern Alberta-local piece of history, straight from the golden age of photography.

3:00–4:00 pm | adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Toddler Time: Explore and Play at the Galt Museum
9:00 a.m.09:00

Toddler Time: Explore and Play at the Galt Museum

  • Galt Museum & Archives (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

mage courtesy of Jackie Hope on Unsplash

Bring your toddlers and small children to an interactive morning of playtime at the Galt Museum & Archives. A fun morning filled with toys, activities, book reading, and a private time to explore the exhibition on Play.

toddlers and their caregivers | registration required | museum admission applies | free to members with registration

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Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025  (Copy)
3:30 p.m.15:30

Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025 (Copy)

Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025: Free drop-in art sessions for young people!
What’s provided: Supplies, snacks, and wellness activities
Drop-in dates include: January 28th, February 11th & 25th, March 11th & 25th, 3:30pm-5pm

Youth | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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BIPOC Foundation Black History Showcase
4:00 p.m.16:00

BIPOC Foundation Black History Showcase

Saturday February 22 4:00-8:30 PM BIPOC Foundation Black History Month Showcase 

The BHM Showcase 2025 is a transformative celebration of Black excellence and innovation, hosted by the BIPOC Foundation as part of Black History Month. This unique event aims to spotlight and reward the brilliance, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit of BIPOC individuals, with a particular focus on Black innovators. It’s more than an evening of entertainment—it’s a platform for recognizing achievements, nurturing talent, and fostering meaningful community connections.

The Showcase will bring together community members, business leaders, and creatives in a lively and empowering atmosphere, hosted at the Galt Museum, a cherished institution known for amplifying diverse voices.

This year’s event highlights include:

·       Pitch Competition: A high-stakes contest where 6–8 Black entrepreneurs will present their innovative business ideas or projects, competing for a $1,000 prize.

·       Talent Competition: Featuring 8–12 performers (musicians, spoken word artists, dancers, etc.) in two rounds of performances, culminating in a $1,000 prize for the winner.

·       Inspirational Speakers: Two distinguished guests will share powerful stories and insights, inspiring attendees with their journeys and achievements

·       Vendor Booths: A vibrant marketplace showcasing local artists, businesses, and community organizations, offering attendees the chance to engage with and support BIPOC entrepreneurs and creators

4:00–8:30 PM | Everyone welcome | No cost to attend | 

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Blackfoot Language with Julius Delaney
6:30 p.m.18:30

Blackfoot Language with Julius Delaney

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Virtual instruction on Blackfoot Language with Julius Delaney, using the new Blackfoot Language Book and Flashcards! The class is one hour long, with 30 minutes at the end for questions.

all ages | registration required | no cost to attend | free to members and self-identified indigenous persons

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Family Day: Kids Trivia!
1:00 p.m.13:00

Family Day: Kids Trivia!

Join experienced quizmasters Siobhan Rasmussen and Erynn Gordon for an afternoon of exciting trivia for kids, and fun for the whole family! Trivia for ages 10-17 years old. Bring your team of up to 8 people and test your brainpower on various categories such as local history, pop culture, music, science, and more. You do not have to have an entire team to play, register as a team or as just the amount of players attending.

1:00–3:00 PM | all ages welcome! trivia will be tailored to ages 6-13 | registration required | free to members | kids to be accompanied by caretakers

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Blackfoot Language with Julius Delaney
6:30 p.m.18:30

Blackfoot Language with Julius Delaney

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Virtual instruction on Blackfoot Language with Julius Delaney, using the new Blackfoot Language Book and Flashcards! The class is one hour long, with 30 minutes at the end for questions.

all ages | registration required | no cost to attend | free to members and self-identified indigenous persons

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Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025
3:30 p.m.15:30

Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025

Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025: Free drop-in art sessions for young people!
What’s provided: Supplies, snacks, and wellness activities
Drop-in dates include: January 28th, February 11th & 25th, March 11th & 25th, 3:30pm-5pm

Youth | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Friends of the Galt’s Whisky Tasting Evening
7:00 p.m.19:00

Friends of the Galt’s Whisky Tasting Evening

The Friends Society of the Sir Alexander Galt Museum & Archives are pleased to present a Whisky Tasting fundraising event on February 7, 2025.  Come and join whisky sommelier, Stuart Bartwicki as he imparts his knowledge on selected Whiskies from various regions of Scotland.  The event will also feature hot and cold appetizers from Prime Catering to enhance the tasting experience.  The event will be held from 7 PM to 9 PM at the Galt Museum & Archives Viewing Gallery. 

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EVENT REGISTRATION: Blackfoot Language w/ Julius Delaney
6:30 p.m.18:30

EVENT REGISTRATION: Blackfoot Language w/ Julius Delaney

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Virtual instruction on Blackfoot Language with Julius Delaney, using the new Blackfoot Language Book and Flashcards!
The class is one hour long, with a 30 minute Q&A at the end.

all ages | registration required | no cost to attend | free to members and self-identified indigenous persons

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Creative Community: Niitsitapi Landscapes
10:30 a.m.10:30

Creative Community: Niitsitapi Landscapes

Image courtesy of Kyla Black Gathering Dust Photography

Creative Community provides arts activities with a connection to local history and culture for adults and seniors, including those requiring accessibility on the second Tuesday of the month.

adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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(CANCELLED) Hands on History: Niitsitapi Landscapes
1:00 p.m.13:00

(CANCELLED) Hands on History: Niitsitapi Landscapes

Image courtesy of Kyla Black Gathering Dust Photography

Join us for a Niitsitapi Landscapes program. Hands-On History is an interactive program for children of all ages with their caregivers on the first Saturday of the month.

children to attend with caregiver | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Toddler Time: Explore and Play at the Galt Museum
9:00 a.m.09:00

Toddler Time: Explore and Play at the Galt Museum

  • Galt Museum & Archives (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Image courtesy of Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Bring your toddler and small children to an interactive morning at the Galt Museum & Archives. A fun-filled morning with toys, activities, book reading, and a private toddler time to explore the exhibition on Play.

toddlers and their caregivers | registration required | museum admission rates apply | free to members with registration

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Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025
3:30 p.m.15:30

Hands on History: Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025

Woods Homes Youth Art Program 2025: Free drop-in art sessions for young people!
What’s provided: Supplies, snacks, and wellness activities
Drop-in dates include: January 28th, February 11th & 25th, March 11th & 25th, 3:30pm-5pm

Youth | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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The Galt Presents: Living on top of mines: Our history and our foundation, always beneath us
1:30 p.m.13:30

The Galt Presents: Living on top of mines: Our history and our foundation, always beneath us

Image courtesy of Galt Museum Archives

The Galt Presents: Shane Dorchak, a resident of Lethbridge, and a descendant of coal miners, farmers, and carpenters. He is proud of Lethbridge and its people, and greatly interested in its history as well as its future.

Join Shane Dorchak, local historian to explore the interesting history of coal mining.

adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Building Brains Together: Pop up play activities that build executive functions
1:00 p.m.13:00

Building Brains Together: Pop up play activities that build executive functions

Image courtesy of Alan-De-La-Cruz- on Unsplash

Building Brains Together (BBT) builds adult capabilities to improve brain development and executive functions across the lifespan through play supported by research and education. Learn more at: https://www.buildingbrains.ca/.

children to attend with caregiver | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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The Galt Presents: Dr. Robin Gibb, Professor in Neuroscience lecture
6:00 p.m.18:00

The Galt Presents: Dr. Robin Gibb, Professor in Neuroscience lecture

Image courtesy of University Of Lethbridge

Lecturer Dr. Robin Gibb, Professor in Neuroscience at the University of Lethbridge, highlights play's pivotal role in fostering healthy brain connections, relationships, and executive function skills across all ages. Her research explores how prenatal and preconception experiences shape brain development and strategies to enhance early literacy, executive function, self-regulation, and motor skills in preschoolers for improved kindergarten readiness. Dr. Gibb has authored 70+ peer-reviewed articles, 13 book chapters, and edited two books on brain development and language acquisition in children, emphasizing play as a cornerstone for building resilience and cognitive abilities from infancy through adulthood.

adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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Archives 101
3:00 p.m.15:00

Archives 101

Image courtesy Galt Museum & Archives | Akaisamitohkanao'pa

Join Archives Assistant, Bobbie Fox, Akaiksims’staki (Many Thoughts Woman) on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Galt's Archives. Discover the southern Alberta stories contained in the photographs, family records, diaries, letters, maps, and so much more that are part of Galt’s Archival collection.

adults and seniors | registration not required | museum admission applies | free to members

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