Spring Tune-up at the Fort

Lethbridge, AB–Media are invited to meet building preservation expert Dave Chalmers of Chalmers Heritage Conservation who will lead the Fort Whoop-Up bastion conservation project and the Chinking Workshops at the Fort.

"We hope you can come see the restoration and conservation of the Bastions at Fort Whoop Up.  Chalmers Heritage Conservation will be dismantling and repairing the Bastions using traditional hand tools and joinery.  Get a glimpse of early building methods and materials while experiencing all that Fort Whoop-Up has to offer", according to Chalmers.

Chalmers Heritage Conservation will also demonstrate the history and techniques of chinking and clay daubing at Fort Whoop-Up.   Chinking is the material used to infill in between the logs and traditional clay daubing is the clay bead applied over the chinking.  The upcoming workshop is an opportunity for a limited number of members of the community to learn this building technique as we prepare to opening day at Fort Whoop-Up Sun MAY 14 .

Dave Chalmers will lead this special workshop for participants of all skills levels to find out more about Canada’s first “green” building technique and the benefits of traditional daubing that is such a vital part of the preservation of Fort Whoop-Up on Sat APR 08.  “The Galt Museum, Fort Whoop-Up and Chalmers Heritage Conservation give you a chance to experience, hands-on, what building was like for settlers in Alberta.  We hope people can join us for our one-day event on the theory and application of clay chinking and daubing.  Get a glimpse of early building methods and materials while experiencing all that Fort Whoop Up has to offer. We want people to come roll up your sleeves, have some fun.” says Chalmers. Participants will help create the clay mixture, while learning about different types of mixes and their composition, then apply it to the walls of Fort Whoop-Up. 

Galt CEO and Executive Director, Susan Burrow-Johnson says, “We look forward to welcoming community members–our volunteers will also receive training to help us finish the Fort face-lift–for this excellent behind-the-scenes experience at Fort Whoop-Up on APR 08. Registration for the workshop ends APR 01. Cost is $25+GST/person and includes lunch. For more information visit https://fort.galtmuseum.com and search “daubing”. To register please call 403.320-3954. Participants should wear comfortable clothing that they are willing to get dirty.

Graham RuttanComment