Introducing Made In... (Stories of Stuff)

Made In exhibit logo. Designed by one match fire

Made In exhibit logo.
Designed by one match fire

Galt Curator Aimee Benoit presents an introduction to our newest exhibit Made In... (Stories of Stuff). Incorporating Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) knowledge and artisanal practices, Made In highlights goods that were processed, manufactured, invented or handcrafted in and around Lethbridge. The exhibition also features objects made elsewhere in the world, including treasures brought by settler communities to this region. Join us as we explore the histories and geographies of our stuff!

The Galt is grateful to the subject-matter experts delivering online content. As local professionals and knowledge experts, these presenters add valuable contributions to the local discourse; however, their ideas are their own. The people featured in the videos and those behind the scenes followed best practices to protect their health and safety.