1912 in Pictures

If you've been watching the news, checking social media or reading the newspaper, you have probably noted that many places, groups and organizations in southern Alberta and Lethbridge are celebrating their Centennial this year. 1912 was a fabulous year. That October, Lethbridge hosted the International Dry Farming Congress with 5000 visitors from 15 countries coming to the city of 8000 residents. Southern Alberta wanted to show itself off to the world. A promotional booklet was made telling the strengths and potential of the communities of southern Alberta. The streetcar system and Henderson Lake were built. Streets were paved. Sewers constructed.

Additionally, thousands upon thousands of people were moving to the west from across Canada and from around the world. Land rushes were common, numerous railroads were being built and many communities started in the years between 1906 and 1914.

Below are pictures of some of things going on in 1912.