William Buchanan
William Buchanan wasn’t very impressed with Lethbridge when he first saw it. In fact, he was so unimpressed, that he left for Red Deer shortly after arriving in Lethbridge. But he returned and became one of Lethbridge’s strongest boosters and supporters.
William Buchanan was a newspaperman and politician. In 1905 he bought a half interest in the Lethbridge Weekly Herald. Not too long afterwards, he bought the entire paper and became its publisher. In 1907, the paper changed to become the Lethbridge Daily Herald and, eventually, the Lethbridge Herald, a paper still going strong today.
Once the paper was a going concern, he turned his eye to politics. In 1909, he was elected to the Alberta Legislature and in 1911 was elected as Member of Parliament. William Buchanan was called to the Senate of Canada in 1924, a position he held for 29 years.