Kate Andrews
For a person to have a building named after her or him is indeed a great honour. So what great things must a person have achieved to have two buildings named for her?
Kate Andrews is remembered through Kate Andrews High School in Coaldale and the Andrews Building at Lethbridge College. So who was Kate Andrews?
Kate Andrews achieved many firsts and worked tirelessly in the field of education.
Her role in education started in July 1912 when Kate was 16 years old and started as a teacher in the Etzikom District. Wanting to appear older than her years, Kate lengthened her skirt and braided her hair across the top of her head and stepped in front of her class.
Like so many teachers, Kate found herself tested on that first day of class. But most teachers aren't tested in quite this same manner. One of her students, a strapping 21 year old student, rode his horse into the classroom and directly up to Kate's desk. Without comment, Kate grabbed the horse's reins and lead the horse to the door. She then quickly grabbed the boy by the shirt just as she hit the horse on the rump. The boy fell, the horse ran -- end of that problem!
It would take too long to list all of the things that Kate did throughout the rest of her life but here are some of the highlights: In 1966 she was the first woman named an honourary member of the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce. She was the first woman in Alberta to serve on a school board. She was the first female chairperson of the Junior College, now Lethbridge College. Kate Andrews as appointed to the Senate of the University of Alberta. In addition, she represented southern Alberta on the Alberta School Trustees Association and was elected this organization’s first woman president.
Really, it's surprising that she only has TWO buildings named for her!