Jerry Potts
Take a trip to the west side of Lethbridge and you can drive down Jerry Potts Boulevard. Jerry Potts, also known as Bear Child, was one of the most renowned guides and interpreters who ever served with the Northwest Mounted Police.
As his Father, Andrew Potts was Scottish and his Mother, Namo-pisi or Crooked Back, was Kainai, Jerry was raised in both the European and Blackfoot cultures. This ensured that he had good connections with both sides and was able to influence relationships between the Europeans and the Blackfoot.
In addition, Jerry played a role as an interpreter at the Treaty 7 negotiations. The success of his role as an interpreter during the negotiations is debated by historians. Some state that he held an important role while others feel that his manner of interpreting Blackfoot, making brief and incomplete summaries of what the First Nations leaders were saying, caused serious concerns.