Galt Babies Getting Ready To Party!

Invitations have gone out and RSVPs are coming in for the 2014 Galt Babies Party on Sunday, October 26 from 2:00 – 5:00 pm at the Galt Museum & Archives, which is housed in the original 1910 Galt Hospital building. Galt Babies are people born at the Galt Hospital prior to its closure in 1955.

“Galt baby records were lost when the Galt Hospital closed,” says Chris Roedler, Resource Development & Volunteer Coordinator at the Galt. “Over the years we have been compiling a new registry of sorts, and those who are on it were mailed an invitation. We have been receiving great response from Galt Babies far and wide.”

According to Roedler, “One Galt Baby says they ‘brag to everyone that they were born in a museum which leaves them duly impressed’, another is bringing his dad along to celebrate, and another sent this message:

“My Mother graduated in the old Galt nursing class of 1918 I do have a picture of it. I and my younger brother were there, and my Father passed away in the Galt. Sorry that I am unable to attend you party my thoughts will be with you and all others.”

If you haven’t received an invitation, and would like to be included, please contact Beatrice Milner at 403.320-3154 or send an email to

Upcoming 2014 Galt special events and programs to look forward to include the Flashlight Cemetery Tours starting October 10; “Hatsumi” Film Screening presented with the Nikkei Cultural Society of Lethbridge and Area on November 20; and A Night at the Museum Shopping Event on November 27, among others.

For more information or to purchase tickets, please call 403.320-3954, or visit

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